Thursday, February 4, 2010

Killing Mr.Griffin(Ch.16-19)


1. In what ways do we see that the Garrett’s do not see their son Jeff as a real person?
They don't see his flaws. They idolize him.

2. Mystery stories rely on inference, the act of drawing a conclusion that is not actually
stated. Using inference, what information will Mrs. Griffin learn from the newspaper?
She makes a connection from Lana to Mark.

3. Why does David’s grandmother refuse to attend church?
Because the revernd says if youd on't take care of their relponsiblities you are not gpin to heaven. And she feels like she didn't take care of her reponsiblities because her son left her and she had to go live with her daughter-in-law.

4. Explain what David’s grandmother means in the following quotation. “The winds of
freedom are filled with laughter.”
Her sonleft because the wife couldn't anything funny. she never could take a joke.

5. What clue in the story reveals the identity of Irma Ruggle’s visitor?
His funny eyes.


1. Why do Betsy and Jeff stop by to see Susan?
Because Betsy needs and alibi to be at Susan's house and Jeff wants her to call David and tell him that his alibi is to be at his house.

2. What is surprising about David’s grandmother’s death?
The lady net door saw a boy in the house behind Grams in a brown sweater(Mark) and she makes a connection.

3. Do you think Betsy and Jeff believe Mark has killed the old woman?

4. The first paragraph of the chapter discusses the wind. Why do you suppose the author
writes about the wind blowing again at this point in the story?
Susan is potentially going to have freedom again and the truth will finally be out.


1. What are the implications of Susan’s statement “I did that” on page 208?
How insane he is and she partly to blame for Gram's death.

2. What is Jeff worried about?
He doesn't want to drive Mr.Griffin car.

3. Why doesn’t Mark gag Susan?
Because it's already noisy and nobody wouldn't hear when/if she screamed.

4. How does Mark feel after he sets the fire?
Peaceful and calm

5. How does Susan feel about Mark?
She hates him.

6. Why does Susan scream, “I’m going to die, You’re glad, aren’t you?”
She think Mrs.Griffin is happy she is about to die.


1. Mrs. McConnell tells Susan, “It is only by facing things that you ever put them behind
you.” What do you think is good or bad about this advice?
That if she face everything will go away.

2. How does Mrs. Griffin recognize the car?
She looks inside of the car ans see the torn up seats.

3. Why is the whole family going to counseling?
It's a whole bunch of confusion.

4. Do you think the proposed penalties are fair? Explain.
Yes, because Mark needs to be tried for 3 counts. The other 3 will get manslaughter. and Dusan might get off because she didnt really do anything.

5. How does the last verse in Susan’s, “Song for Ophelia,” explain why she becomes involved
with Mark and the others?
I talks about the little death of rejection at home and school. And the life rejection has made her exceptable to Mark.

6. What may the reader infer from the last paragraph?
She have grown up and faced herself, because 2 weeks ago she would of cried and now she doesn't.

7. “Coming-of-Age” stories are usually about “Loss of Innocence” or “Rite of Passage.” State
what kind of story this is and why.
Loss of Innocence because she is not really that innocent after her little part in the killing.

1 comment:

  1. i wish had easy questions like these but i have college type questions.
