Thursday, February 4, 2010

Black Cat Definitions

Vocabulary Definitions

1. Solicit: (V) -to seek for (something) by earnest or respectful request, formal application, etc.
Synonym / Antonym: request / refuse
Sentence: In a recent job interview, the interviewer did not solicitan applicarion from me.

2. Mad: (Adj) -mentally disturbed; deranged; insane; demented.
Synonym / Antonym: angry / calm
Sentence: she’ll get mad when she find out.

3. Succinct: (Adj) -expressed in few words; concise; terse.
Synonym / Antonym: concise / long-winded
Sentence: I just read the paragraph that succinct.

4. Phantasm: (N) -an illusory likeness of something.
Synonym / Antonym: ghost
Sentence: when I saw the phantasm I was terified.

5. Docile: (Adj) -easily managed or handled.
Synonym / Antonym: quiet / wild
Sentence: the dog was docile.

10. Fidelity: (N) -faithfulness to obligations, duties, or observances.
Synonym / Antonym: faithfulness , purity , loyalty
Sentence: hasband was fidelity not in questions.

11. Procure: (V) -to get by special effort; obtain or acquire.
Synonym / Antonym: I get
Sentence: I procure the computer.

12. Allusion: (N) -the act of alluding; indirect reference:
Synonym / Antonym: refernce
Sentence: he allusion to pro the basketball.

15. Scruple: (N) -a moral or ethical consideration or standard that acts as a restraining force or inhibits certain actions.
Synonym / Antonym: rule to live by.
Sentence: good person has good scruple.

17. Atrocity: (N) -the quality of being extremely or shockingly wicked, cruel, or brutal.
Synonym / Antonym: skocking
Sentence: it was a atrocity.

19. Sentiment: (N) -a mental feeling; emotion.
Synonym / Antonym: memorable
Sentence: it was sentimental gift from her husband.

20. Remorse: (N) -deep and painful regret for wrongdoing.
Synonym / Antonym: sorrow
Sentence: I had not remorse.

Killing Mr.Griffin(Ch.16-19)


1. In what ways do we see that the Garrett’s do not see their son Jeff as a real person?
They don't see his flaws. They idolize him.

2. Mystery stories rely on inference, the act of drawing a conclusion that is not actually
stated. Using inference, what information will Mrs. Griffin learn from the newspaper?
She makes a connection from Lana to Mark.

3. Why does David’s grandmother refuse to attend church?
Because the revernd says if youd on't take care of their relponsiblities you are not gpin to heaven. And she feels like she didn't take care of her reponsiblities because her son left her and she had to go live with her daughter-in-law.

4. Explain what David’s grandmother means in the following quotation. “The winds of
freedom are filled with laughter.”
Her sonleft because the wife couldn't anything funny. she never could take a joke.

5. What clue in the story reveals the identity of Irma Ruggle’s visitor?
His funny eyes.


1. Why do Betsy and Jeff stop by to see Susan?
Because Betsy needs and alibi to be at Susan's house and Jeff wants her to call David and tell him that his alibi is to be at his house.

2. What is surprising about David’s grandmother’s death?
The lady net door saw a boy in the house behind Grams in a brown sweater(Mark) and she makes a connection.

3. Do you think Betsy and Jeff believe Mark has killed the old woman?

4. The first paragraph of the chapter discusses the wind. Why do you suppose the author
writes about the wind blowing again at this point in the story?
Susan is potentially going to have freedom again and the truth will finally be out.


1. What are the implications of Susan’s statement “I did that” on page 208?
How insane he is and she partly to blame for Gram's death.

2. What is Jeff worried about?
He doesn't want to drive Mr.Griffin car.

3. Why doesn’t Mark gag Susan?
Because it's already noisy and nobody wouldn't hear when/if she screamed.

4. How does Mark feel after he sets the fire?
Peaceful and calm

5. How does Susan feel about Mark?
She hates him.

6. Why does Susan scream, “I’m going to die, You’re glad, aren’t you?”
She think Mrs.Griffin is happy she is about to die.


1. Mrs. McConnell tells Susan, “It is only by facing things that you ever put them behind
you.” What do you think is good or bad about this advice?
That if she face everything will go away.

2. How does Mrs. Griffin recognize the car?
She looks inside of the car ans see the torn up seats.

3. Why is the whole family going to counseling?
It's a whole bunch of confusion.

4. Do you think the proposed penalties are fair? Explain.
Yes, because Mark needs to be tried for 3 counts. The other 3 will get manslaughter. and Dusan might get off because she didnt really do anything.

5. How does the last verse in Susan’s, “Song for Ophelia,” explain why she becomes involved
with Mark and the others?
I talks about the little death of rejection at home and school. And the life rejection has made her exceptable to Mark.

6. What may the reader infer from the last paragraph?
She have grown up and faced herself, because 2 weeks ago she would of cried and now she doesn't.

7. “Coming-of-Age” stories are usually about “Loss of Innocence” or “Rite of Passage.” State
what kind of story this is and why.
Loss of Innocence because she is not really that innocent after her little part in the killing.

Killing Mr.Griffin(Ch.11-15)

Chapter 11
1.Why isn’t Susan surprised to hear her name over the loudspeaker?Because she was the last person or student to see or talk to mr.griffin.

2. Compare Susan’s attitude toward her family at the beginning of the story with her attitudenow. She was stubborn now she more caring and cautious and respective.

3.Why does Susan agree to Mark’s lie? so that way they dont draw know attention to them and there group about the murder.

4.Why does Mark want her to lie? becuase he doesnt want anyone to find out that they are the ones to kill and kidnapp and he doesnt want any of the parents to think bad of them.

5.Do you think Mark really believes everything will be all right? Why? Yes if they did what exactly what he had told them then things wold have worked out and the past would be soo gone it would be forgotton.

Chapter 12
1.What is the real reason Betsy says nasty things about Susan? She feels if susan is being babyed in the situation that they are in.

2.Find an example of allusion in this chapter.there where flys all over mr.griffin corpse or body.

3.Briefly describe Mark’s mood during the burial. Jeff? David? Betsy? Betsy- felt like she could throw up. Mark-felt like it was a funeral and cheaking the time. Jeff-he felt solid all about it and didnt have no mercy on any of it. David-he wanted the money in mr.griffin wallet and all the money.

4. Why does David recite the Lord’s prayer? He could'nt go back to the grave or killing.

5. Why does Mark keep Mr. Griffin’s credit cards?To give them to some guy to go spend them for him so he could get money and .

. Why does Mark tell them to leave the car unlocked with the keys in the ignition? To get in and get out of there fast and sneaky.

7. What mistakes do the four make burying Mr. Griffin?Left the jacket, Took Credit Cards, Left car Unlocked, Left Keys

8. What is the implied but not stated reason that the policeman recognizes Betsy at theairport? she was an cheerleader and did'nt have any sign of suspension.


1. What surprises Mrs. McConnell about Mrs. Griffin’s visit?
Didn't know Susan was the last person to see Mr.Griffin.

2. How does Mrs. Griffin surprise Susan?
Catches her in lies.

3. Mrs. Griffin is certain Susan is lying about her teacher conference with Mr. Griffin. List
her reasons.
He takes his conference's seriously. he would never look at his watch.

4. How do Susan’s parents react when Mrs. Griffin accuses her of lying?
They get offensive.

5. What does Mrs. Griffin know about David? Mark?
The things that Mr.Griffin told her:Mark cheated on the paper. And David papers blew away in the wind and he couldn't catch them.

1. Why does David’s Grandmother believe he is secretly seeing his Daddy? What proof do you think she has?
He is out all the time and she finds the ring.

2. Lana tells Lt. Baca about the turned-up ground and gives him the prescription bottle.
What else does she say to expose the kidnappers?
She see all of this evidence left behind. And she gives up Mark name saying that, that was their old hang out spot.

3. What new plans do they make for the car?
Put it in Jeff garage and paint it. And take it to the desert and leave it.

4. Why does Mark think the news report is false?
The ring.


1. Why does David take the ring?
Association with how his fathers hand were.

2. The blowing wind may be a symbol of freedom in this novel. Explain its possible
importance in the following events:
David and Susan’s first meeting-Blows away the paper and get them together.

the picnic by the waterfall-Represant their crime scene

the inscription on the ring-Truth and freedom

3. Why does the lady from the other house smile through the window at Susan?
Because she finally got one up on Mrs.Ruggles.

4. What is Susan’s opinion of David’s grandmother?
She old, but not dumb.

5. Why does Susan call Jeff’s house?
Looking for Mark to tell him about the ring.

Killing Mr.Griffin(Ch.6-10)


1. what little things go wrong with the kidnapping? with david alibi? with betsy alibi? david drugs his grandma with jello. betsy susan didnt come with her to the kidnapping.

2. in what way does mr.griffin earn the respect of his kidnappers? they didnt want to hurt him they just wanted him to beg like they did.

3. Why is susan especially upset about her part in the kidnapping?she had to walk him into the trap and now she feels really bad.

4. Why does betsy say the following to susan?'' honestly , i don't understand you". She doesnt understand why she feels bad for him.Chapter


1.What do mr.griffin and mark have in common? there both eager to get something finished.

2. find a flash back in the chapter. what is important facts about mark do we learned?

3.What mistakes does betsy make with the police officer? she tries to charm him to get off with a warning and not a ticket.

4. why do you think betsy participates in the kidnapping? becuase she likes mark and she will do anything he does/

5. why do you suppose the incident with shauana berman is included? to contrast her with mark.

6. Who finds the container of pills where? on the path of the hill and betsy finds the pills.

7.How does mr.griffins ties appear? there are neatly tied and look almost perfect

8.What does mr.griffin think of his kidnappers? punks and five year old kids and they are not very smart.

9.What question does david ask him? Whats the ring with the tree on it and where did it come from because he had seen it before

10.Who wants to let mr. griffin go? why dont they? At first jeff wants to just let him go because he feels bad but mark said no and wants him to beg like he did.Chapter


1.Explain with examples from the story how david begins to see susan as a real person?he wanted to see her alone so he could see how she really acts.

2.Why does david doubt that mark and jeff are goin to release mr.griffin after the game?the game ends to late and there will no be enough time and they dont want to get caught.

3.How does david know mr.griffin is dead? His eyes are opened and he is not breathing and he isnt moving at all.

4.what is implied but never stated cause of mr.griffin death?He couldnt take his pills for his heart.


1.Betsy and Susan both have fathers to turn to for help. Why do you suppose Susan wantsto go to her father for help, but Betsy doesn’t suggest going to her father?to help them out becuase they mite be in trouble and could possiblely go to jail there parents couldnt bare it knowing that there in jail for kidnapping

2.What two things does Mark say that they need to do to be safe? to get rid of the body and the car bury the body and take the car to the airport.

3.How does Mark convince Susan they need to bury the body?He told her how is dad dead in a fire then how will that destory them and there love ones knowing there in jail.

4.How does Mark’s father die?In his fire and in his bed asleep.

5.What does David’s father have to do with his decision to go along with Mark’s plan to bury the body?To tell her that when its time to go its time to go.

6.Why does Mark comfort Susan?To bury a body with with her apporval.

Chapter 10

1.How do Mark’s aunt and uncle feel about him?thats wierd and diffrent and creepy.

2. Why do you suppose Mark’s mother has a nervous breakdown and says she never wantsto see her son again?she saw the house burn down that her house that her husband was in.

3. What does David’s grandmother remember about the day before that upsets David?How stuck up she was after school to him.

4. In the conversation with his grandmother, what mistakes does David make that may hurthis alibi?

5. Why does Lt. Baca ask Mrs. Griffin if there is trouble in their marriage?

6. What does Mrs. Griffin say that convinces Lt. Baca to begin searching for Brian?

Killing Mr.Griffin(Ch.1-5)

Killing Mr. Griffin Study Guide 1

1. Briefly identify the children in the McConnell family.
Susan, Francis, Craig, Mrs.McConnell, Mr.McConnell, and Melvynne

2. What does Susan mean by “someday”?
That one of these days she was gone get. Or she dreamed about having something.

3. Who is David Ruggles? How does Susan feel about him?
President of the senior class. Susan likes David.

4. Several other students of Room 117 are introduced. Briefly identify them.
Betsy, Jeff, and Mark.

5. In the classroom scene, what emphasizes Susan’s feelings of being an outsider?
She is the only junior in the class and is like the odd ball because she makes straight a's.

6. Two teachers are introduced. Briefly identify them.
Mr.Griffin and Miss.Luna

7. Mr. Griffin is very strict and stern with the students. Do you think these qualities make
him a good teacher? Briefly explain your answer.
In a way I don't because I think he should let kids make up work, but in another way I do because the stricter he is, the serious the kids will take him and do their work.

8. An allusion is when a writer refers to a person, place, poem, book, or movie that the
reader, is expected to recognize. Find an example of allusion in this chapter.
Ophelia and Susan.

9. In what ways does Susan think she and the dying female in Hamlet are similar?
They both were lonely.

10. A metaphor is a comparison of two things that are basically unlike, in order to create a
sharp picture. In this first chapter find the metaphor involving a bird that helps the author
define how Susan is feeling about her life.
"Poor thing, Susan thought. Poor little thing. Poor bird. Poor Ophelia. Poor Susan.
11. Jeff says, “That Griffin’s the sort of guy you’d like to kill.” Why doesn’t Susan think he is serious?
He is just mad because Mr.Griffin will not let him make up his homework.

12. Frequently, objects which seem inconsequential when first mentioned become an
important part of the plot later. In the last six paragraphs do you notice any object that might be foreshadowed?
The wind

1. Why does Mark say the following? “Jeff’s done a neat job of lining us up for a mass flunkout.”
He dared Griffin to flunk them in front of the whole class.

2. Explain Mark’s special dislike of Mr. Griffin.
Mr.Griffin made Mark take his course again. And had made him get in front of the class and beg to let him retake the course.

3. “Jeff had seen that look before, and it always meant something.” What look does Jeff see? What does Jeff think it means?
A seldom face expression. Mark has an incredible plan.

4. Why do Jeff and Betsy go along with Mark’s plan to kidnap Mr. Griffin?
Mark encourage them that they wouldn't get in trouble. And it would just be a joke.

5. Why does Mark believe Dave will go along with the plan?
Dave likes a challenge. And Mr.Griffin also made fun of him when he said that the wind had blew his homework away.

6. What does Mark know about Susan that makes him think she will be their decoy?
She likes Dave and if Dave ask her to she will give in and do it. And nobody would tie all of them together.

7. A flashback is a scene that interrupts the ongoing action to show an event that happens
earlier. Briefly describe the flashback in this chapter. Explain why the author chooses to
include it.
When the seniors last year, kidnapped Miss.Luna. They are planning to kidnap Mr.Griffin and say it was a big joke.

8. What is implied, but never stated, about Mark’s “transformation”?
That he is weird.

1. The members of David’s family are introduced. Briefly identify them.
Grams and his mother.

2. Why does David think he needs a good education?
When he hit the job market and his father had went to Stanford. He wanted to go to law school.

3. Find the metaphor in this chapter that helps illustrate the emptiness of David’s life.
"David Ruggles, President of the Senior Class, King of the Sink!"

4. Support or refute the following statement:
David goes along with Mark because he dislikes Mr. Griffin and needs a better English
grade to get into law school.
I support it because he really want to get into law school to help out his mom.

1. Why are Saturday’s special for Susan?
She did not have to sit up through breakfast, she did not have to go to school, did not have to worry about what table sit at in lunch. On Saturdy's he could sleep late, she could makeherself peanut butter toast, read at the table, and she could shut herself in her bedroom and write.

2. Find a quotation in the chapter that illustrates the idea that Susan feels a part of the picnic
When she first came to the car and they all gave her a nice greeting.

3. Who is Lana?
A girl Mark use to go with.

4. How does Susan feel about Mark before the picnic?
She never thought of him being funny.

5. A symbol is an object, person, or place that has a meaning in itself and that also stands
for something larger than itself. How may the eyeglasses be a symbol in this chapter?

6. Foreshadowing is also used to create interest and build suspense. Since this is a mystery
story, there are many examples of foreshadowing. Find an example of foreshadowing in
this chapter that lets the reader know Susan is going to have problems.

1. How does the author illustrate Kathy Griffin’s stubborn personality?
Her saying that Brian Griffin is worht waiting for.

2. Briefly explain Mr. Griffin’s reason for leaving Stanford to teach high school.
Mr.Griffin had said that there wasn't enough good high school teachers.

3. What does Mr. Griffin think about Susan?
She is a talented writer.

4. Why is Kathy Griffin upset by her husband’s description of Dolly?
She thought Griffin thought of her a Dolly.

5. How does her husband make her feel better?
He wiped his teeth with the napkin. And he became vulnerable.

6. Why does Mrs. Griffin want Brian to compliment Susan on her writing?
Because he got to give his students more than criticism.

7. Find an example of foreshadowing in this chapter.

8. Why do you suppose the pills are mentioned again? Why does the author bother
mentioning his tie?

9. We learn that Mrs. Griffin is pregnant. How does she hope having a child will change her husband? Why might the author have added the pregnancy into the story.
He will be able to reach out to his student and touch them.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

150 Word Blog Response

You are in the lunch line and the person in front of you drops a five dollar bill and isn't aware of it. What do you do? Eloborate on the reasons behind your choices.

I think it depends on who it is. Then again it don't. I would give the money back either way it go. It wouldn't feel right. I also have lost money before and somebody took it.(How I know that? They told me). But I really would give the money back because it wouldn't feel right. Reason behind my choices are that they might be paying for lunch or they have the money to go somewhere later. I really don't think that it's right to take things that's not yours. It really comes down to the saying "Don't take nothing that do not belong to you"!