Thursday, February 4, 2010

Black Cat Definitions

Vocabulary Definitions

1. Solicit: (V) -to seek for (something) by earnest or respectful request, formal application, etc.
Synonym / Antonym: request / refuse
Sentence: In a recent job interview, the interviewer did not solicitan applicarion from me.

2. Mad: (Adj) -mentally disturbed; deranged; insane; demented.
Synonym / Antonym: angry / calm
Sentence: she’ll get mad when she find out.

3. Succinct: (Adj) -expressed in few words; concise; terse.
Synonym / Antonym: concise / long-winded
Sentence: I just read the paragraph that succinct.

4. Phantasm: (N) -an illusory likeness of something.
Synonym / Antonym: ghost
Sentence: when I saw the phantasm I was terified.

5. Docile: (Adj) -easily managed or handled.
Synonym / Antonym: quiet / wild
Sentence: the dog was docile.

10. Fidelity: (N) -faithfulness to obligations, duties, or observances.
Synonym / Antonym: faithfulness , purity , loyalty
Sentence: hasband was fidelity not in questions.

11. Procure: (V) -to get by special effort; obtain or acquire.
Synonym / Antonym: I get
Sentence: I procure the computer.

12. Allusion: (N) -the act of alluding; indirect reference:
Synonym / Antonym: refernce
Sentence: he allusion to pro the basketball.

15. Scruple: (N) -a moral or ethical consideration or standard that acts as a restraining force or inhibits certain actions.
Synonym / Antonym: rule to live by.
Sentence: good person has good scruple.

17. Atrocity: (N) -the quality of being extremely or shockingly wicked, cruel, or brutal.
Synonym / Antonym: skocking
Sentence: it was a atrocity.

19. Sentiment: (N) -a mental feeling; emotion.
Synonym / Antonym: memorable
Sentence: it was sentimental gift from her husband.

20. Remorse: (N) -deep and painful regret for wrongdoing.
Synonym / Antonym: sorrow
Sentence: I had not remorse.

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